The first picture I have been dieing to share is my first birthday present that i was given permission to open early! When Dan and I went camping I was admiring my niece and nephews footsie pajamas to my sis Mandy! Dan and his good ears over heard me admiring them and I guess it triggered a gift idea. As i was about to open the box that was fresh out of the mail he began to preface the gift and gifts to come. He said "since you are turning 22, I decided this birthday was going to be full of gifts that were pairs, and since 2+2=4, I figured you should get four gifts, are you sure you want to open your first gift early." I immediately responded of course! Who doesn't want an early b-day gift! This is what i found when i opened that box labeled "Jumpin Jammerz".....
Your eyes aren't misleading you, those are fleece, camo pajamas! Only one problem they have no rubber grippings! Do they not realize that adults have the same chance of slipping and falling!
Never thought I'd see Kris in camo! Nice work, Dan. They look very cozy. Be careful in those things!:)
I want a pair seriously ask Dan where he got those for you I loved those when I was a kid I had a pair until I was like 12 I'm not kidding ask my mom I loved them one year for halloween I was an easter bunny my mom just put a cotton tail on me with a bunny ears head band and I was a rabbit it was such a cute memory.....
Miss you enjoy you pJs.....
How cute!! Happy birthday to you!
Soooo cute!!
just happend to be stalking jenny and found yours, hope all is well!
Thanks! Owen is a blast! Congrats on your marriage, any plans on a little one yet?
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