Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In the life of 23 year old Kristina Fey!

Oh the joys of being a little bit older and wiser! Turning 23 has been a little tramatic for me. I don't know why, it's just a year older than 22 right, but it sure sounds a whole lot older, and its started to get me thinking. Do i really look like I am 23? When I look in the mirror I still see an 18 year-old with some "minor" body changes! I am really just hopeing as I get older I don't get more weird hairs in weird places, eeek! And since I am still in college I have found myself feeling like I need to justify being 23 and still working on a bachelors. It has taking me a little longer than usual to embrace this age, I am working on it! I do love birthdays, but as you get older you become a little bit more anxious about them! However, thanks to wonderful family and friends, 23 was brought in with a bang! Tiny zachary was born the day of my birth and the night before that blessed day I got to have a shared b-day celebration with little parker!


Recipes said...

Happy Belated Birthday Kristi! 23 was a good year for me. That was the year that I met Matt and we got engaged and then got married; all while I was 23!
Believe me, you don't look a day over 18! Wait a few more years then you will start noticing more crinkles, wrinkles, spots and bulges! Well, maybe you won't but I sure have! (frown) LOL
Kristi I'm sure 23 will be a wonderful year for you as it was for me.
Love, Amy

Wendy Pippin said...

I always just think you are my same 23 sounds quite young. And the only change that has happened since 18 is this great light that radiates from you. Your happiness & kindess win over every person you meet. Remember how my friends all like you better...You have done so much & the fact that you are in school is a great accomplishment...I'm 26 1/2 and still working on my bachelors.
And don't worry about the hairs...just pluck them out and forget about them till they are back (because unfortunatly they always come back)!

linnie said...

23-- oh 23--If only I could remember what it was like to be 23.
Great photos!!

Jodi said...

Oh Kris! You are as beautiful as ever! Wendy's right! You just radiate light and love wherever you go. You are a true joy to be around. Wish I could be closer to be able to spoil you, like you always spoil the rest of us. Love you!