After choosing to spend monday in a pessimistic/vacation bluez state, I didn't see the week getting any better till the weekend! But boy was I wrong, do you ever have those days that just seem to good to be true! That was today! I found out at about 10:30am that Val was finally going to come down and stay with us! I was stoked! As soon as I found out I began cooking a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies that got tons of rants and raves on! As soon as the last batch came out Dan was walking out the door for work telling me he had an epiphany about selling five satellites today! I encourage those kind of epiphanies for sure! As Dan left Val showed up, perfect timing! The girls day out began! At about 7:30 we called Dan to have him meet up with us for dinner at PF Chang's! Right when I heard his voice I knew his epiphany came to pass but instead of 5 he had sold 7! The most in the company so far this summer which called for a couple bonuses from the manager! I am way proud of him and it was fun to see how excited he got! I hope we haven't jinxed ourselves and that there are more days like this in the future! It must be blessings from being married for four days shy of a year or something!
To back track a little funny part of the day was when Val and I were on are way to the gym before dinner to burn off some calories before we indulged ourselves! We both get on our work out clothes to realize val forgot her tennies! But that wasn't going to stop us! We decided we would share one pair of shoes! After I was done running a mile I handed them over for her to do hers! And of course it was the busiest day yet at the gym so I am sure people were curious why one of us had no shoes on at the gym!
I'm so glad Val came!! What fun! PF Changs...yummy...I am actually having withdrawls from all the delicous food we had...pazoookie....mmmmmm
Those cookies look ridiculous!! I'm sorry, does the "F" in "KMF" stand for Fields? Maybe you can hook a sister up with your fab new receipe?
Yeah, nice shot of the cookies. Impressive. Maybe you need to give a sister cooking lessons while we're in Utah! I'm glad you and Val had fun.
Tell Dan congrats!! Wow! That's impressive. In honor of him, I bought a magazine subscription from a salesman yesterday. The brother was from the hood and had a drug-addict for a Mom and missing in action Dad, and was trying to make something of himself. Maybe he just made up that story, but if so, he suckered me right in.
I like the gym story. You're so cute to think of sharing gym shoes. That's just the kind of girl you are!
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